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Holiday cottage rental in Šventoji - "Gray Cottage"

Summer house
2  room
30 m2
Max guests
4 pers.
Beds: 2
+ More


We invite you to stay in completely new holiday houses in Šventoji! Rooms are equipped with high-quality materials, new furniture, and all the necessary home appliances.

There is a double bed in the chalet bedroom and a double sofa bed in the living room, and we can also accommodate an extra bed. There is also a kitchen area with a fridge, microwave, electric hob, kettle and all the necessary utensils (pots, pans, plates, cups, forks, spoons, etc.). There is also a 32-inch smartphone in the cottage.

Each cottage has a private bathroom with a sink, toilet and large shower. The cottages have a spacious terrace with outdoor furniture - 4 chairs and a table. You will also have your own shashlik.

Services at an additional cost:

Towels - 1 pcs. - 1 eur.
Firewood for barbecue - 3 eur.
Extra bed - 10 eur / night.
Bed linen is included in the price.

The "Pillow Tax" (municipal fee for using the public infrastructure of Palanga resort) is not included in the rental price.

1 person per night - 1 EUR. Children under the age of 18 are not charged.

Booking information:

Payment in cash and by transfer (advance payment);
The cottages are booked in advance by transferring the 1 day advance on the day of booking;
Advance payment to account: Laima Venckuvienė LT907300010158992106 "Swedbank"
For prepayment, please indicate your arrival and departure dates, your contact phone number, and the number of people on the PAYMENT PAYMENT line: (07.03-07.10, 8600 00100, 2 people)

Reserved will be the days you specify in the order.

The remaining amount of money is paid on the first day of arrival for the entire booked period;
In case of cancellation of the order, the advance payment will not be refunded in case of change of circumstances;
Anyone who leaves the previously booked period voluntarily will not be refunded;


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70 - 100 per night 4 pers.
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Minimum nights: 1
Extra guest fee after 4: 10
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Summer house Palanga, Šventoji

Summer house with outdoor bath

Summer house · room · 4 pers.
from 100 € per night
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Rent is only available during the season from June 1 to September 1.
June80 €
July100 €
August100 €
September70 €
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Holiday cottage rental in Šventoji - "Gray Cottage"

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